
The Audéo B70-R is the entry-level rechargeable version of the B70 model designed especially for those users who spend the better part of their day on the road.

Bang for the Buck

The Audéo B70-R is basically a stripped down version of the company’s premium B90-R in terms of the features it offers. However, this basic model retains the best features from it to provide the best value for money.


This hearing aid can be paired with numerous other devices which offer increased functionality and convenience to the wearer. Users can stream TV audio to the hearing aid and can connect it with a power bank for instant charging.

24-bit Chipset

This latest piece of tech provides unmatched sound quality and minimum distortion for optimal user experience.


  • 24-hour use on a single charge with up to 80 minutes of wireless streaming capability
  • AutoSense OS audio modes
  • Wireless/Bluetooth connectivity