Normally, it is very difficult to diagnose hearing loss in its early stages since it is not accompanied by pain, discomfort, or other obvious symptoms. A person can ignore the problem, and their family can adapt. However, being able to use all of our senses, including hearing, creates better relationships.

Have you ever heard people talking but couldn’t understand what they were saying?
Yes No
Is it hard for you to understand what people are saying in a large group or crowd, such as at a restaurant?
Yes No
Do you have trouble understanding people on the phone?
Yes No
Do your family members tell you that your TV is very loud?
Yes No
Have you ever failed to hear a phone ringing when it was nearby?
Yes No
Have you ever felt there was ringing or noise in your ears?
Yes No

Do you frequently need to ask people to repeat themselves?
Yes No
Yes No
If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, you may be experiencing auditory deprivation, and we recommend visiting a hearing specialist. Call us to set up a free evaluation.
At this time, there are no hearing aids on the market that can exclude background noise by 100%. However, it is clinically proven that the use of hearing aids does improve the understanding of speech in noisy situations. By utilizing innovative technologies, your new hearing aids will automatically adjust its noise reduction when you change environments.
The answer is typically no. Think of reading glasses that are available at your local drug store. They may be perfectly good for you but not really address your vision the same way a prescription set would. Hearing instruments are similar. Hearing aids at a low price help you better hear, not only what you want, but also ambient sounds. They do not set apart speech from surrounding noise.
Even more importantly, by overstimulating noise levels where you do not have hearing loss, it is possible to cause damage to your hearing exposure.
Unfortunately no. Hearing aids cannot restore your hearing to what it was. However, with the help of innovative technologies and proper treatment, they significantly improve the performance of the auditory system, and hearing becomes almost natural. Hearing aids are designed to help you hear the softer sounds you could not detect before, while preventing loud sounds from becoming uncomfortable.
- Due to its complex struture, the ear not only captures sound, but it also transmits sound to the brain. If there is damage to the cochlea and/or auditory nerve, the sound cannot be transmitted, so the brain does not perceive them. Gradually, the brain forgets how to respond to the impulses that have stopped being transmitted to it.
- Hearing impairment is associated with an increased chance of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s.*
- Mild hearing impairment is connected to atrophy of the brain in the elderly**
- Adults with diabetes are twice as likely to develop hearing problems***
- Loss of harmony in the family
- Common relationships
- Stress resistance
- Feeling of management of your life
- Social participation
- Perception of mental functioning
- Depression
- Personal safety issues
* Archives of Neurology Feb. 2012
** Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Aug. 2011
*** Annals of Internal Medicine July 2008
No one is guaranteed they will be free of hearing impairment. Statistics say that in the vast majority of cases, hearing loss happens before the age of 65. For people over the age of 50, it is recommended that you be tested annually to monitor any changes to your hearing for the good of your overall wellness.
If you are consistently exposed to noise in your job or other environments, you should have your hearing tested annually, regardless of your age. Examples would be people who work/travel frequently by airplane, truck drivers, manufacturing plant employees, avid concert goers, etc.
- SENSORINEURAL Hearing Loss is the most common type of hearing loss. Damage occurs to the inner ear and/or auditory nerve. Causes: Age-related changes in the body, exposure to loud noises, medications, or genetic disposition. Treatments: Hearing aids are very successful at correcting this type of hearing loss.
- CONDUCTIVE Hearing Loss occurs when sounds entering the outer ear are not transmitted correctly to the inner ear. Causes: Perforated eardrum, fluid in the middle ear, or infectious lesions in the outer and/or middle ear. Treatments: Medical treatment or surgery is usually necessary.
- MIXED Hearing Loss is a combination of Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Conductive Hearing Loss. Causes: Aging, head injuries, ear malformation, genetic factors. Treatments: The nature of the loss will determine the treatment.

- TINNITUS is an ear disorder common among adults. It is most often described as a ringing sound in the ears, but it can also manifest as a whistling, roaring, hissing or buzzing sound. People with severe tinnitus face huge problems in everyday life: inability to sleep, lack of focus at work, or reduced ability to handle psychological stress. Causes: Wide variety of reasons, including exposure to loud noises, ear infections, and certain medications. Treatments: When used consistently, hearing aids provide tinnitus relief, with the added benefit of hearing correction.
We get this question a lot. We like to ask, “Why are our competition’s prices so high?” The simple answer is our efficient model in operations and volume partnering with national networks. When we started this business, our goal was to provide more people with access to the best technology available, and we set up our operations to do so.
When comparing to cell phones, most people want the latest iPhone, Android, etc. and not a basic flip phone. Both devices will do the job, but the best technology has so much more to offer. We feel there is no reason hearing aids should be different, so we work to make the latest technology accessible to more people by keeping our prices down.
Prices for hearing aids vary depending on their particular design and specific technology. Most hearing clinics try to hide their pricing from you or leave it somewhat vague. At we want you to know what to expect BEFORE you come to visit us. Our customers love that we are transparent with them. Please explore our hearing aid prices here and be sure to call us if you have questions.